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VAS PTA Program & Event Descriptions

VAS PTA Program & Event Descriptions

VAS PTA Program & Event Descriptions

Monthly PTA Meetings: (Monthly) The meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 PM in the Library. Please consult the school calendar for specific dates. Everyone is welcome to attend. FREE child care is provided during the meetings. Membership is required in order to vote. Membership dues are $7- per adult

Membership: (throughout year) This committee works throughout the year building our membership and speaking to other parents on a casual level regarding the Violet Avenue Elementary School PTA and encouraging their participation.

BLT (Building Team Levels): One representative from PTA attends these meetings and reports back at the monthly PTA meeting. The make-up of the BLT is to have a mixture of people from different groups; parents, principal, certified Staff, non-certified staff, and community members. Our BLT tries to make our school a better place for children, their families, our staff, and the entire Violet Avenue community.

DLT (District Team Levels): One representative from PTA attends these meetings and reports back at the monthly PTA meeting. Each school is represented by (1) the principal, and (2) two representatives, at least one a parent or community member and approved by the Building Leadership Team (BLT). The Superintendent of Schools facilitates this committee's work. The DLT meets monthly, focusing on issues as determined by the committee.

Box Tops for Education: (Throughout year) This chairperson encourages all school members to collect various cereal box top labels and send the labels to each student’s classroom at school. The chairperson and committee members will collect and count labels to determine a classroom winner. One classroom winner grades K-2 and grades 3-5 will be announced and earn a pizza party. The chairperson submits the labels to the respective company for redemption which can be used to purchase various school supplies.

Campbell Soup Labels: (Throughout year) This chairperson encourages all school members to collect various labels and send the labels to each student’s classroom at school. The chairperson submits the labels to the respective company for redemption which can be used to purchase various school supplies.

Monthly Newsletter (The Violet Avenue Star): (Throughout the year) A newsletter is distributed to students monthly to take home containing news, announcements, information on upcoming activities, helpful hints, and dates for activities that the Violet Avenue Elementary School PTA is hosting. Members and staff submit information, which is then collected, typed, copied and distributed by the Newsletter Committee. Also help to photocopy and distribute to all students and faculty. Creativity and computer knowledge are helpful.

Price Chopper Tools for Schools: (throughout the year) Register your Advantage card to help us earn free products for our school use. CODE: 16250

Yearbook: (throughout the year) This project is worked on all year long and available for sale in the spring. Includes all class pictures and many candid shots from the year. Parents are invited to send in pictures from school happenings during the year to the yearbook committee for possible inclusion in the yearbook. Please list a description of event and children’s name, grade and teacher. We will do our best to return the picture. If you love to take pictures and scrapbook, please join us.

PARP (Parents as Reading Partners): (TBD) A school wide activity to promote reading at home. Students keep a log for a few weeks and receive recognition for the achievements. This committee develops various programs and fun activities for the students to participate in during the weeks of the program. Volunteers keep track of reading logs handed in by students weekly and activity sheets. Volunteers purchase prizes and hold a celebration at the end.

Fall Fund Raising Committee: (September-November) This is a major fundraiser for the year which will finance the major portion of the VAS PTA’s programs. In September the student’s have an opportunity to sell the product, we need volunteers to help tally the orders and then help distribute the item(s) when it arrives at school.

Meet the Teacher Night: (September) Volunteers are needed to work at the PTA table talking to families about PTA events and encourage membership.

Barnes & Noble Book fairs: (October & June) Volunteers needed to make copies and distribute memos announcing date of book fair. Fall Book fair will have a fall theme. Spring Book fair (June) will have summer grade level summer reading lists available. For each book fair we try to provide entertainment and fun activities.

Picture Day: (Fall) Volunteers are needed to work with the school photographers to escort classes to the auditorium and to help with supervision while waiting for pictures. Three to Five volunteers are needed to work as little or as many hours as they can during the school day.

Valentine’s Day Pancake Breakfast: (February) Volunteers are needed to work at Applebee's serving up a delicious pancake breakfast just before Valentine’s Day. Although this is a fundraiser for our school, it is a great social event to mix with other families.

Spring Fund Raising Committee: (April-May) This is our second major fundraisers for the year which finance a portion of the PTA’s programs. This committee researches options and decides on fundraising programs. In Student body sells the product, volunteers help tally the orders and then help distribute the item when it arrives at school.

Staff Appreciation Week: (May 3-7) Arrange annual breakfast & luncheon for teachers and staff as a thank you for all of their hard work. Also, coordinate fun activities to involve the students in showing their appreciation. Parents get the opportunity to show their appreciation by donating food items for these events.

Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony: (June) We ask grades K-4 families to help with fruit/treats & punch and set up on this special day so our 5 th grade families can enjoy this special occasion.

Fifth Grade Activities: (June) This committee works closely with teachers and parents to make the fifth grade students last year a special one. PTA is proud to sponsor a 5th grade Field trip, end of year swim party & graduation T-shirt. Representatives will help plan and prepare for these events.